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Samaya TRAVEL CASE Minérale

Découvrir nos essentiels pour votre quotidien et vos voyages - GAMME 8K

La Samaya TRAVEL CASE Minérale vous apporte légèreté et sérénité lors de vos activités extérieures pour des performances maximales. Que vous partiez plusieurs jours à vélo ou à l'assaut des plus hauts sommets himalayens, Samaya vous accompagne dans tous vos déplacements.

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Garantie 2 ans

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Spécifications techniques


Pica Herry x Sam Favret - Steep slopes at Baltoro | SAMAYA MOMENTUM - Samaya

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Meilleures suggestions

    The first light of day allows us to see the majestic K2 rising above all the other mountains. The atmosphere is simply incredible! The walls around us are immense, filled with snow mushrooms of all sizes. After 20 minutes in the sun, we descend fairly quickly, hypnotized by our surroundings.
    The first light of day allows us to see the majestic K2 rising above all the other mountains. The atmosphere is simply incredible! The walls around us are immense, filled with snow mushrooms of all sizes. After 20 minutes in the sun, we descend fairly quickly, hypnotized by our surroundings.